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8440 Wilshire Boulevard; Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Officiating at the Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Services:

  • RABBI DAVID BARON, Founder of the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts, the largest arts and entertainment synagogue in the United States which owns the Saban Theatre.

Rabbi’s Guests for Kol Nidre, Tuesday Evening, September 18, 2018:

  • RYAN DEITSCH, A survivor of the Parkland, FL massacre at Marjory Stoneman High School on February 14, 2018, who is a Student Activist Against Gun Violence, a leader of the March For Our Lives Demonstration in Washington, D.C. and an organizer of the #NeverAgain MSD Movement.  Another student and activist from the school, CHRIS GRADY, will also be attending the services.
  • LAPD OFFICER JUSTIN REINER AND HIS WIFE, LAURA REINER, survivors and concertgoers of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.
  • DR. JUDEA PEARL, Father of the slain Wall Street Journal reporter DANIEL PEARL, will speak about the death of his son at the hands of terrorists and a global music day in his son’s memory.
  • American actor of Japanese descent, GEORGE TAKEI, of Star Trek fame, will share his experience of being sent to a relocation center during the war.
  • Songwriter DIANE WARREN will introduce her Grammy Award-winning song, “Because You Loved Me” to be sung by acclaimed blind mezzo-soprano, LAURIE RUBIN.  The song will be dedicated to the memory of two exceptional women:  ARETHA FRANKLIN, The Queen of Soul, and RONNI CHASEN, renowned entertainment publicist.

Rabbi’s Guests for Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 19, 2018:

  • In observance of the approaching 75th Anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy, Rabbi’s Guests will include:  World War II Heroes and Veterans from the Invasion of Normandy, PETER DU PRE, JOHN FOY, STEVE MELNIKOFF and JOSEPH REILLY, some of whom were stationed on the northern coast of France on June 6, 1944, known as “D-Day,” the first day of the invasion.  All of the veterans are currently part of The Greatest Generations Foundation, run by TIMOTHY DAVIS, which ensures their legacies are recorded and retold in perpetuity to future generations.
  • PETER DU PRE, 97, from Rochester, NY, who served in the United States Army, 114th Hospital.  Area of Battle:  England (General Hospital).  Decorations include the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign, World War II Victory Medal, Good Conduct Medal and Foreign Legion of Honor.  Technical Fifth Grade Peter B. Du Pre served as a medic in the 114th General Hospital Unit in Kidderminster, England during WWII.  At age 17, both his parents had died, making him acting patriarch of a five-person family.  Within a year, his sister joined as a nurse, one brother joined the Army Air Forces, one joined the Marines and Peter  enlisted in the Army.  He went to basic training at age 18, took a three-day pass to get married and was immediately deployed.  He  served for three years overseas, during which time he treated wounded servicemen from all areas of Europe, including those who had been wounded during the Battle of the Bulge. He returned home quietly, went straight to work and raised five children with his beloved wife to whom he has been married for 70 years.
  • JOHN FOY, 94, from Rochester, NY, who served in the United States Army, 87th Infantry Division as an MOS Machine Gunner.  Military Service from 1942 – 1946.  Areas of Battle:  Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and the Central European Pocket.  Decorations include:  Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign, Word War II Victory Medal, Good Conduct Medal and French Legion of Honor.  At night, John Foy can still hear the agonizing screams of men, as artillery barrages shower the trembling ground around him.  The hellish memories are from battles Foy fought during World War II. “The trees are splintering and crashing down around you, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it but hug the ground and pray,” recalled Foy, an infantry Machine Gunner in General George Patton’s Third Army.  “It can become awfully vicious to have your friends blow up right alongside of you.”  Born on October 12, 1925, he grew up in Charlotte and graduated from Charlotte High School in 1943.  John joined the Army’s Specialized Training Program (ASTP) for high IQ Soldiers and was sent to Cornell University, completing his first year in just four months.  The Army decided they needed infantrymen more than engineers so after infantry training he was assigned to the 87th Infantry Division joining General George Patton’s Third Army in liberating Europe.  John served as a front-line Machine Gunner in the Battle of Northern France and later the Battle of the Bulge.  His division helped relieve the 101st  Airborne Division surrounded in Bastogne, fighting through the Siegfried Line and across the Mosel and Rhine Rivers.  They fought across Germany to Czechoslovakia, meeting the Russian army by war’s end.
  • STEVE MELNIKOFF, 98, from Baltimore, MD served as a Tech Sergeant in the United States Army, 29th Division, 175th Infantry Regiment.  Battles included:  Normandy (D-Day), Northern France, Hurtgen, Ruhr Pocket and Central Germany.  Steve Melnikoff, a Rhode Island native, joined the 29th Infantry Division in January 1944 as a member of Company C, 175th  Infantry.  The 175th landed on the still unsecured Omaha Beach on the morning of June 7th and proceeded to its objective to seize the village of Isigny.  It pushed through Isigny and crossed the Vire River and on to St Lo.  The 175th fought stiff German resistance hedge row by hedge row and pushed the American lines to within three miles of St Lo, creating a salient into the German lines. The unit defended the high ground, known as Hill 108 but nicknamed “Purple Heart Hill” as they were surrounded on three sides.  The regiment was rotated into the division reserve for the final thrust into St Lo.  Following the Battle of Brest, the division was moved to the Netherlands to participate in the 9th Army’s drive to the Rhine River.  On May 2, 1945, a patrol from 3-175 Infantry contacted elements of the 28th Company, 6th Guards Cavalry of the Russian Army.  Following the surrender of the German army, the regiment remained in Europe until January 1, 1946.  The 29th Infantry Division was one of the most illustrious U.S. Army outfits of World War II.  It was in combat almost continuously from D-Day to V-E Day and suffered 20,111 battle casualties in 11 months of combat 204.2% of its normal manpower complements of approximately 14,000 men.  It gained four campaign ribbons for service in the European Theater and was awarded the prestigious Croix de Guerre Avec Palme by the French government for its exemplary service on Omaha Beach on D-Day.
  • JOSEPH REILLY, 97, of San Diego, CA served in the United States Army, 101st Airborne Division, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment.  Battles included:  Normandy (D-Day), Market Garden, Bastogne (Battle of the Bulge), Alsace and Ruhr  Pocket. Born in Janesville, WI on June 7, 1921, Private Joseph Reilly enlisted into the United States Army on March 13, 1943 in Milwaukee as a paratrooper with the famous 101st Airborne Division.  In the late hours of June 5, 1944, Reilly and the 501st took off from Merryfield Airport at 22:45.  All units flew across the English Channel and were set to drop into Normandy, five hours prior to the seaborne landing.  Reilly and the 501st drop zones were north and east of Carentan near Utah Beach.  Two battalions were to seize key canal locks at La Barquette and destroy bridges over the Douve River while the Third Battalion was in division reserve.  In the predawn hours of D-Day a combination of low clouds, and enemy anti-aircraft fire caused the break-up of the troop carrier formations.  Consequently, the sporadic jump patterns caused highly scattered drops.  Most of the troopers landed far afield of their designated drop zones.  The actions that night bore little resemblance to those so carefully planned and briefed.  Amazingly, this unanticipated misstep confused the Germans and allowed the airborne units time to regroup and complete their objectives.  After 20 days of fierce fighting in Normandy by no means ended with D-Day, but continued with important results, including assisting the amphibious landings and joining the beach at Utah with that at Omaha the efforts of the 501st  came at high cost:  the regiment lost 898 men who were killed, wounded, missing, or captured.

Performers and Service Readers for High Holy Day Services Include:

  • MARY HART, Iconic Former American Television Personality for Entertainment Tonight (September 19th)
  • LEONARD MALTIN, Renowned American Film Critic and Historian (September 19th)
  • GEORGE TAKEI, “Star Trek” (September 18th)
  • STEPHEN MACHT, Actor, “Suits,” “The Monster Squad” (September 18th)
  • ASHLEY BELL, Director, “Love & Bananas:  An Elephant Story,” Actress, “Novitiate,” “The Last Exorcism,” (September 18th)
  • CORKY HALE, World Renowned Pianist (September 19th)
  • LOREN LESTER, Actor, “American Wedding,” “Batman:  The Animated Series” (September 19th)
  • CHLOE TUCKER, Actress, “Junk,” “Mamma Mia!” Tour (September 19th)
  • MICHAEL FITZPATRICK, World Renowned Cellist (September 19th)
  • DR. JUDEA PEARL, Father of slain Wall Street Journal reporter DANIEL PEARL (September 18th)
  • BERNARD HILLER, Renowned Acting Teacher (September 18th)
  • AMANDA AND AARON KOGAN, Noted Singers (September 18th)
  • SHARON FARBER, Four-Time Emmy Award-Nominated Film, Television and Concert Music Composer and Music Director for the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre (September 18th and 19th)
  • ILYSIA J. PIERCE, Cantor, Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre (Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” First National Tour) (September 18th and 19th)
  • JORDAN BENNETT, Cantor, Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre (Lead in “Les Misérables” on Broadway) (September 18th and 19th)
  • ADRIENNE BARON, Noted Vocalist (September 18th and 19th)
  • The creative services will also feature the temple’s choir comprised of singers from the LOS ANGELES OPERA and the LOS ANGELES MASTERS CHORALE (September 18th and 19th)
  • Instrumentalists for Kol Nidre will include:  ALEXANDER KALMAN, Violin, DIMITRY OLEVSKY, Violin, LIESEL ERMAN, Harp, and GARIK TERZIAN, Cello (Septemer 18th)
  • Instrumentalists for Yom Kippur will include:  DIMITRI OLEVSKY, Violin, & GARIK TERZIAN, Cello (September 19th)

The Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre; 8440 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, CA  90211.  High Holy Day services will be held on the Eve of Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 (5779) starting at 8:00 p.m., and on Saturday, September 19, 2017 (5779) starting at 10:00 a.m., including a Yizkor Memorial Service (memorial service for the departed) starting a 12:30 p.m.

The High Holy Day Services will include:

  • The sounding of the Shofar was heard on the first of the High Holy Days, the Eve of Rosh Hashanah, that began the Jewish New Year 5779 on Sunday, September 9th, believed to be the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman.
  • Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is the holiest day of the year on the Jewish calendar; it is a day of prayer and fasting for Jewish people around the world.  The Eve of Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) on Tuesday, September 18th, and Yom Kippur on Wednesday, September 19th represent the end of a 10-day period of repentance, which begins with the Jewish New Year 5779, Rosh Hashanah, on Sunday evening, September 9th continuing through Wednesday, September 19th.  Historically, it is on the 10th day between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on which Moses completed and brought down the second set of commandments from Mount Sinai, signifying that God had granted atonement for the people’s sin of the Golden calf.

Kol Nidre Service Highlights (The Eve of Yom Kippur) on Tuesday evening, September 18th, starting at 8:00 p.m. will include:

  • The Rabbi’s Special Guests who will speak include:  Ryan Deitsch, Justin and Laura Reiner, Dr. Judea Pearl and George Takei, who will also read “We Are Here For The Sake of Other Men” a notable quote written by Albert Einstein, which will be dedicated to Japanese Diplomat, Chiune Sugihara, who helped six thousand Jews flee Europe to safety during the Holocaust.
  • Dr. Judea Peal, Father of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl will talk about Daniel Pearl Music Month and sing an Israeli song based on the Biblical words, “Mi Haish” (“Who Is The Man Who Desires Life?”) based on Psalm 34 from The Book of Psalms, composed by Baruch Chayat, arranged by Sharon Farber.  The text of the Psalm is as follows:  Who is the man, Who desires life, Who loves all his days, To see good, Guard your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit, Turn away from bad, And do good, Seek peace, And pursue it.
  • During a Silent Meditation Laurie Rubin, acclaimed blind mezzo-soprano, will sing Diane Warren’s Grammy Award-winning song, “Because You Loved Me” which will be introduced by the songwriter and dedicated to the memory of two exceptional women:  Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul, and Ronni Chasen, renowned entertainment publicist.
  • Seven-Year-Old Singer, Eden Kontesz, will perform “Avinu Shebashamayim” (“Our Father in Heaven”), Prayer for  the State of Israel, written by composer Sol Zim and arranged by Sharon Farber.
  • Service Readers will include:  George Takei, Stephen Macht, Ashley Bell and Bernard Hiller.
  • Jordan Bennett will sing “Shema Koleinu” written by Carlibach.
  • Composer Lucas Richman’s “Kol Nidrei” will be performed.
  • Composer Debbie Friedman’s “Mi Sheberach” (Prayer For Healing) will be performed.
  • Final Benediction:  Rabbi David Baron and Ilysia J. Pierce with Choir and Congregation.

Yom Kippur Service Highlights on Wednesday, September 19th, starting at 10:00 a.m. will include:

  • Rabbi Baron’s Guests who will speak include:  WWII and Invasion of Normandy Veterans: Peter Du Pre, John Foy, Steve Melnikoff and Joseph Reilly.   
  • Rabbi David Baron’s Sermon, “Fragility and Resiliance” at 12-Noon.
  • A Yizkor Memorial Service (memorial service for the departed) will begin at 12:30 p.m.  Cantor Jordan Bennett will sing the Yiddish Folk Song, “Mameleh” written by Mitchell Parish, Alex Alstone and Al Goodhart, with Yiddish by Miriam Kresyn.  Jordan Bennett will also sing the song “Bring Him Home” from “Les Misérables” with music by Claude-Michel Schönberg and French lyrics by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel and English lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and James Fenton.  Cantor Ilysia J. Pierce will sing the song “Dance With My Father” written by Luther Vandross and Richard Marx.  There will be Memorial Candle Placements, and Rabbi David Baron will read a list of names of those of have passed over the last year and are now forever sealed in the Book of Life.
  • Cellist Michael Fitzpatrick, the nephew of renowned Violinist and Founder of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Bronislaw Huberman, will play “Invocation” written by composer CJ Vanston who will accompany Fitzpatrick on the piano.
  • Singer Adrienne Baron will perform the song, “Band of Brothers” written by the late Academy Award and Golden Globe Award-nominated film composer, Michael Kamen.
  • During a Silent Meditation Harpist Corky Hale will play “Look For The Silver Lining” with music written by Jerome Kern and lyrics by B.G. DeSylva.
  • Service Readers will include:  Mary Hart, Leonard Maltin and Loren Lester.
  • Chloe Tucker will sing the song, “Show Me The Way” written by Dennis DeYoung.
  • Singers Amanda and Aaron Kogan will perform “Yaale” written by Michael Isaacson.
  • From 2:00 – 5:30 p.m. Rabbi Baron will lead a Question and Answer Session with his High Holy Day Special Guests, Ryan Deitsch and Chris Grady, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Miami Journalist, Nery Ynclan, Justin and Laura Reiner, and WWII and Invasion of Normandy Veterans, Peter Du Pre, John Foy, Steve Melnikoff and Joseph Reilly, followed by the screening of a short documentary film entitled, “The Life and Art of David Labkovski” written and produced by Carole Eglash-Kosoff in conjunction with Mrs. Leora Raiking for an exhibit at the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum.  Hollywood filmmaker, Dan Gordon, a member of the Israeli Defense Forces, will discuss the latest happenings on the Gaza border.
  • The Closing Mincha/Neilah/Havdalah Service/Final Shofar Blast will begin at 5:45 p.m. at which time the “Haleluya” written by Kobi Oshrat, Sharon Farber’s uncle, will be performed.

High Holy Day Tickets start at $400.  Young Adult memberships for ages 18 to 40 are available for a donation of $150.  Children’s services, led by Karen Abrams, will be held on the morning of Yom Kippur on Wednesday, September 19th at 10:30 a.m.  This year the temple has partnered with Lyft to provide free transportation to and from the Saban Theatre for the temple’s Sustaining Members.  For more information about tickets and Lyft services, please call the temple at 323-658-9100 or log on to <>

Rabbi Baron
said, “All of my guests have incredible personal stories that exemplify the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit which has been carried out in their respective lives through their acts of courageous deeds and humane kindness, all while bringing awareness and shedding light on subjects which need to be discussed globally.  These are all inspirational and motivational messages we need to hear.”

The City of Beverly Hills has waived parking restrictions on both sides of Hamilton Drive, Gale and Tower, between Wilshire Boulevard and Gregory Way, and between Hamilton and La Cienega on the north side of the street.  This will also apply to Hamilton, north of Wilshire. High Holy Day guests may not park in red or yellow zones or disable spaces without the proper placard.  Parking Enforcement will waive permit parking restrictions and timed parking restrictions.  Metered spaces are not exempt. Additional parking is available at numerous lots and garages in close proximity to the Saban Theatre.  Fees vary.

High Holy Day Services
will be conducted in the Winnick Family Auditorium on the ornate Harold Kapelovitz bimah, which includes a tapestry recreation of legendary artist, Marc Chagall, entitled “The Journey of the People.”  The Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre is now celebrating the close of its 25th Anniversary.  The temple was founded and incorporated on November 5, 1992.  The mission of the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre is to promote religion through music, drama, arts, film and dance.  To learn more, and to secure tickets, please visit the website, <> . Network with us at <>  and on Twitter @templeofthearts

The Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts at the Saban Theatre also broadcasts its Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services on Jewish Life Television (JLTV) which is aired on DIRECTV, Comcast, Spectrum and other video providers.  Services will be broadcast on JLTV on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. ET and 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. ET, and on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.  Services will also be streamed live at <>  and at <>

Members of the media will be invited to interview and photograph Rabbi David Baron and his special guests from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., prior to the beginning of the service on the Eve of Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 and on Yom Kippur on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m., and during the day.  Media are also welcome to cover the entire services both days.  Please contact STEVE MOYER PUBLIC RELATIONS at 818.337.9987 or e-mail to arrange press credentials.

Rosario Dawson Backstage at Studio 189 Fashion Show


Actress & designer Rosario Dawson was spotted looking comfy backstage at her Studio 189 show during NYFW, wearing California footwear brand Sanuk’s new boot, the Puff ‘N Chill.

WHO: Rosario Dawson

WHAT: Studio 189 Fashion Show

WHERE: Metropolitan West 637 West 46th St

WHEN: September 10, 2018

Tailgate Fest LA. Toby Keith Sings, Jana Kramer Brings Her Daughter Onstage for the Cutest Performance Ever, and More!


September 1-2, 2018, Inglewood, CA

On Labor Day Weekend at the Forum in Inglewood California country music stars and fans from all over SoCal came out to experience LA’s first ever Tailgate Fest. The unique concert has traveled to many cities across the US bringing country music stars to fans while they enjoy the concert from the back of their own truck!

This year the lineup included some of the biggest names in the industry like, Toby Keith, Eric Paslay, Parmalee, Randy Houser, Nelly, and Jana Kramer. Nelly brought out country’s hottest rising stars Florida Georgia Line during his performance for a special guest appearance and the crowd went wild.

The festival was packed with tailgaters and everyone showed up to dance and sing along in their favorite country outfits. The festival even had a dancefloor and line dancing lessons for guests to enjoy. They also brought out some delicious food trucks with flavors from all over including everything from Asian food to burgers, and Spanish tacos.

Jana Kramer, famous for her top hit “Why You Wanna” kicked off the afternoon set with a great performance and gave the audience a special treat singing a song from her upcoming album called “A Little Goes a Long Way.”

She told the audience about her family which is currently growing. She said, “There are four things you should know about me, number one, I’m a mom and I have a little baby boy in my belly right now, number two, I’m also an actress, number three, I’m a lover and a fighter I’ll put those in together, and the fourth one, well, ladies we can all kinda be this, I’m a bitch.” Before leading into the hit song “Bitch”.

This female Rockstar isn’t letting it stop her though and still gave an amazing performance. She even brought out her young daughter onstage and gave her the mic. The little girl was dressed in the cutest little Rockstar outfit wearing stretch pants with fists on them and shyly said, “Hi” to the audience instantly winning over the crowd. Later on, for her last song, Jana brought out her little helper again and they both closed the show together. Jolie, her daughter even knew all the dance moves and followed her mom around stage rocking out. It was one of the sweetest moments of the concert and she is definitely a star in the making.

Nelly came out later in the evening to mix things up with some rap and hip-hop music. The crowd was dancing and having a great time to his set when they got an extra special surprise. Florida Georgia Line came on stage as a special guest to sing with the rapper and everyone loved it.

Finally, Toby Keith closed out the night with his classic hits like, “Should’ve been a cowboy” and “I love this bar”.  He also did a performance of crowd favorite, “Red Solo Cup” and had the audience singing along to the viral song. All in all, it was a great night filled with some amazing talent and best of all the music could be heard by the stage or from the comfort of your own car!

Makeup Revolution in Hollywood Motion Pictures by Star of The Color


We asked the top makeup artists in the industry how they usually use STAR★OF THE COLOR foundation at a film shoot.

STAR★OF THE COLOR is a foundation brand produced by Kaori Nara Turner who is an Emmy-winning Makeup Artist. She won her Emmy Award for “Outstanding Makeup for a Series” back in 2003.

The base makeup which is a foundation is more important than the on-point makeup which is resent trends.  In order that many people may know of it, we had the photo shoot focusing on the base makeup in Hollywood where the center of filmmaking.

Hollywood union makeup artists who use STAR★OF THE COLOR regularly: Debbie Zoller (9-time Emmy Awards nominated MUA artist with 8 Makeup Artists & Hairstylist Guild Award nominations and 1 win) and other 3 top makeup artists.

To understand the importance of the foundation, check out the following “before” and “after” photos of the models.

Academy Determines New Oscars® Category Merits Further Study



LOS ANGELES, CA – While remaining committed to celebrating a wide spectrum of movies, the Academy announced today that it will not present the new Oscars® category at the upcoming 91st awards. The Academy recognized that implementing any new award nine months into the year creates challenges for films that have already been released. The Board of Governors continues to be actively engaged in discussions, and will examine and seek additional input regarding this category.

“There has been a wide range of reactions to the introduction of a new award, and we recognize the need for further discussion with our members,” said Academy CEO Dawn Hudson. “We have made changes to the Oscars over the years—including this year—and we will continue to evolve while also respecting the incredible legacy of the last 90 years.”

Changes to the 91st Oscars (2019) include restructuring and shortening the length of the telecast to three hours. To honor all 24 award categories, six to eight categories will be presented live, in the Dolby Theatre®, during commercial breaks. The winning moments will then be edited and aired later in the broadcast. Selected categories will be rotated each year. The Academy will collaborate with the show producer(s) to select these categories.

The Board of Governors also voted to move up the date of the 92nd Oscars telecast to Sunday, February 9, 2020, from the previously announced February 23. The date change in the timeline will not affect awards eligibility dates or the voting process.

The key dates for the 2019 awards season are as follows:

Saturday, November 16, 2019     Governors Awards

Thursday, January 2, 2020           Nominations voting opens

Tuesday, January 7, 2020            Nominations voting closes

Monday, January 13, 2020           Oscar Nominations Announcement

Monday, January 27, 2020           Oscar Nominees Luncheon

Thursday, January 30, 2020         Finals voting opens

Tuesday, February 4, 2020           Finals voting closes
Sunday, February 9, 2020            92nd Oscars

Starting in 2020, the Scientific and Technical Awards will move to June, as the technologies honored do not represent achievements within a specific awards year.

The 91st Oscars will be held on Sunday, February 24, 2019, at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center® in Hollywood, and will be televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscars also will be televised live in more than 225 countries and territories worldwide.

# # #

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is a global community of more than 8,000 of the most accomplished artists, filmmakers and executives working in film. In addition to celebrating and recognizing excellence in filmmaking through the Oscars, the Academy supports a wide range of initiatives to promote the art and science of the movies, including public programming, educational outreach and the upcoming Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, which is under construction in Los Angeles.


Maxjenny’s Spring/Summer 2019 Collection during Stockholm Fashion Week: The Power Of Floral Color.


The Maxjenny´s effect showed us this bouquet of daring powerful colors for the new season of Spring/Summer 2019. Stockholm Fashion Week 2018 left all fashionistas and fashion lovers speechless.

According to Maxjenny, the new collection wants to push the boundaries of women’s dressing norms. For that reason, the designer made the collection thinking about breaking the normal stereotypes by wearing garments that enhance a personality, choices, and lifestyle. As a result, The Powerpuff Girls models adorned catwalk with the Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup prints but like the cartoons; the black and white were also a vital element of this collection.

The Specsavers Glasses fashion accessories gave the extra touch to Maxjenny Collection. In fact, women take too much time choosing clothes plus accessories –Hard task! Especially when you have to combine both elements plus the main source, our face. Yes, ladies, since we remember it, we were told how to use this accessory according to the “the shape” of the face. Luckily, Maxjenny has created a unique collection with a clear message: Glasses are for everyone!

Finally, I could not stop enjoying this event. What can I say? It is always good to know and be prepared for the new season, that’s why I made the classification of the new trends to show our readers the new floral power!

  1. Light blue and pink mix.

These were very feminine garments at the most romantic style. It seems like Maxjenny picked up the rainbow colors to create tinker belled outfits – you can appreciate how the straight cuts are finished with a wider hang fitted around the waist as in the first photo. But, she also made fullness in the jacket arms and dress bottom part.

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon


  1. Ivory light blue Charlie’s Angels

The outfit seems like the heaven knock on our door. Two garments mixed with the shiniest ivory and bluest light colors – perfect and harmonious combination. At first sight, you can think these are similar tonalities but the confection style can differ from one another. On the one side, we have a V-necked with opened sleeves dress. On the other hand, a stylized ruffle collar neck with a lace plus straight cuffs.

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
  1. All pink and black power!

Yes ladies, pink in several tones. It seems like a blossom power puff girl drops off the astonishing powder in all garments. From the lightest to the darkest one – the designer offers bold prints in every single style. The nature is present in iconic symbols such as flowers, leopard skins, water and urban patterns.

Jackets and blazers are shown in all sizes, from large to short ones, with straight to round cuts.  But, always, always black is present! We cannot mention “power” without black color being present.

So, which kind of girl are you? Pink is the new you!

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
  1. Golden and silver melted in Black

Black in all its variations! All we know is that dark style never left the Earth. But, what if we add something else? Gold and silver – NOT CHEMICAL ELEMENTS ONLY. Moreover, these are part of the Spring/Summer collection and present in gradient to solid colors. Here, we can appreciate how dresses are made by consecutive layers making wave shapes printed by European patterns and urban designs. On the other hand, two of the darkest outfits were made in a straight close shape which can be ideal to highlight your slim figure –the garments were adorned by printed letters and nature power took presence on them.

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
  1. Maxjenny nature power mix (colors, colors, and black)

Nature and fashion lover! What a perfect combination! The most beautiful flower patterns enhance the femininity through these designs, but also the choice of strong colors give a new sense of daring style. Flowers have always been related to a sensitive world but in this collection, the designer breaks rules to create a new style for women.

Buttercup is here to show all the green power!! Mix of green, purple, pink and black fitted into long garments. Besides, a forest was the call of wilderness into these dresses and jackets.

Are you a ballsy female? Maxjenny´s Collection is here to show you how to do it!

Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
Photo Credit: Mathias Nordgren / Studio Bon
  1. Maxjenny and Specsavers Glasses

Your face is the façade of your personality. You can choose the style but, the most important, the big variety of glasses. Combine them with Maxjenny`s Collection and you will kick off the street style!

Photo Credit: Francisca Gáez
Photo Credit: Francisca Gáez
Photo Credit: Francisca Gáez

Universal Pictures’ First Man, from Director Damien Chazelle, Makes World Premiere as Opening Film of the 75th Venice Film Festival

Universal Pictures’ First Man, directed by Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash) and starring Ryan Gosling, Jason Clarke and Claire Foy, has been announced as the opening film, in Competition, of the 75th Venice International Film Festival, directed by Alberto Barbera and organized by the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta.

Barbera declared: “It is a true privilege to present the world premiere of Damien Chazelle’s new, highly-awaited film. It is a very personal, original and compelling piece of work, wonderfully unexpected within the context of present day epic films, and a confirmation of the great talent of one of the most important contemporary directors of American cinema. Our gratitude goes to Universal Pictures for premiering First Man at the 75th Venice Film Festival.”

Chazelle declared:

“I am humbled by Venice’s invitation and am thrilled to return. It feels especially poignant to share this news so close to the moon landing’s anniversary. I eagerly look forward to bringing the film to the festival.”

First Man was shown in its world premiere screening on Wednesday August 29th, in the Sala Grande (invitations) at the Palazzo del Cinema on the Lido di Venezia, following the Open Ceremony (the ceremony starts at 7:00 pm).

On the heels of their six-time Academy Award®-winning smash, La La Land, Oscar®-winning director Damien Chazelle and star Ryan Gosling reteam for Universal Pictures’ First Man, the riveting story of NASA’s mission to land a man on the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the years 1961-1969. A visceral, first-person account, based on the book by James R. Hansen, the movie will explore the sacrifices and the cost—on Armstrong and on the nation—of one of the most dangerous missions in history.

Written by Academy Award® winner Josh Singer (Spotlight), the drama is produced by Wyck Godfrey & Marty Bowen (The Twilight Saga, The Fault in Our Stars) through their Temple Hill Entertainment banner, alongside Chazelle. Steven Spielberg, Isaac Klausner, Adam Merims and Singer executive produce. DreamWorks Pictures co-finances the film.


Academy Award® winner Damien Chazelle most recently wrote and directed the musical La La Land, which earned fourteen Oscar nominations, winning six awards, including Best Director for Chazelle, who is the youngest director to receive the award. The film also won a record-breaking seven Golden Globes, and was also honored with five BAFTA wins and eleven nominations.

His previous film, 2014’s Whiplash, received five Academy Award nominations and three wins, including Best Supporting Actor for J.K. Simmons. His 2013 short, based on the Whiplash screenplay, won the Short Film Jury Prize at Sundance, and the following year the feature film took home both the Jury and Audience Awards from the festival.

Chazelle made his first feature, Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench, as an undergraduate student at Harvard University. The film was named one of the Best Films of the Year by The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, LA Weekly, The Village Voice, and others.

Upcoming in TV, Chazelle has a musical drama The Eddy for Netflix, and a straight-to-series order for a drama series for Apple which he will direct and executive produce.

Director/writer Bradley Cooper’s A Star is Born, Starring Cooper And Lady Gaga, To Hold World Premiere At The 75th Venice Film Festival

A Star is Born, the much-anticipated directorial debut of four-time Oscar® nominee Bradley Cooper (American Sniper, American Hustle, Silver Linings Playbook) and feature film debut of award-winning actor and Oscar® -nominated musical artist Lady Gaga (Best Song, “Til It Happens to You,” The Hunting Ground), will have its out-of-competition world premiere at the 75th Venice International Film Festival.

The premiere screening of A Star is Born, which was also co-written and produced by Cooper, was held on Friday, August 31st at 7:15 pm, in the Sala Grande at the Palazzo del Cinema on the Venice Lido. A Star is Born comes to cinemas this October from Warner Bros. Pictures, in Association with Live Nation Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures.

In this new take on the powerful love story, Cooper plays seasoned musician Jackson Maine, who discovers—and falls in love with—struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally’s career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.

A Star is Born features original songs performed live on-camera by Cooper and Gaga, who wrote a number of tracks together and in collaboration with such musical artists as Lukas Nelson, Jason Isbell and Mark Ronson. The film’s ensemble cast also includes Andrew Dice Clay, with Dave Chappelle and Sam Elliott.

A Star is Born is produced by Bill Gerber, Jon Peters, Bradley Cooper, Todd Phillips and Lynette Howell Taylor. Ravi Mehta, Basil Iwanyk, Niija Kuykendall, Sue Kroll, Michael Rapino and Heather Parry serve as executive producers. The screenplay is by Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters. Collaborating with Cooper behind the scenes are Oscar-nominated director of photography Matthew Libatique (Black Swan), production designer Karen Murphy (It Comes at Night), three-time Oscar-nominated editor Jay Cassidy (American Hustle, Silver Linings Playbook, Into the Wild), and costume designer Erin Benach (Drive). The film’s music supervisors are Julia Michels (Pitch Perfect) and Julianne Jordan (Edge of Tomorrow).

Warner Bros. Pictures Presents, in Association with Live Nation Productions, in Association with Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures, A Jon Peters/Bill Gerber/Joint Effort Production, A Star is Born. Slated for release beginning October 5, 2018, the film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

5th Annual Long Beach Indie International Film Festival Returns TODAY – Sun., Sept. 2


Love Cecy Screening Tickets Sell Out in One Day, Additional Show Added

Diverse Film School Grads from USC, Chapman University, Depaul University, and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts to Open Festival Event Featuring More than 150 Global Works Takes Place at Cinemark at the Pike Theaters in Long Beach, CA

Long Beach, CA — Tickets for the Sat., Sept. 1 (6:30 p.m.), screening of Love Cecy, at the 5th Annual Long Beach Indie International Film Festival, sold out after being available for just a few hours. One of the world’s premier showcases for diverse filmed content, the four-day festival takes place TODAY (Thurs., Aug. 30) – Sun., Sept. 2, 2018, at the Cinemark at the Pike Theaters in Long Beach, CA and will screen more than 150 projects from across the globe.

Based on the true story of Cecilia Rios, a 15-year-old girl murdered by her boyfriend in Richmond, CA, in 1994, Love Cecy is now also available Sunday at 6 p.m. Written and directed by Jay Francisco Lopez and featuring a breakout performance from newcomer Angie Martinez Espinosa, Rios’ story sparked a wave of Mexican corrido song tributes.

Lopez, who was 9 years old when Rios was murdered in his hometown, remembered her story and set out to create a movie that provided viewers with more background on the beloved, intelligent young woman who aspired to become a lawyer. Rios’ parents, former boyfriend, best friends, old news reports and court documents helped Lopez conduct the research for the script. While the film that premiered at the New York International Latino Film Festival last October has been well received and won numerous awards, Lopez said having the support of Rios’ parents is what matters most. “After gaining the respect and love from her parents, that’s all I needed,” Lopez said. “Her mom said, ‘We loved the movie, Jay. It’s a little bit of everything. A little bit of laughter and a little bit of love’ because it’s also a love story.’’’

“This is the fastest-selling film we ever had at the film festival,” said Dr. Daniel E. Walker, Long Beach Indie International Film Festival CEO and Founder. The four-day event celebrates diverse content and content creators and features projects ranging from LGBTQ rights, human trafficking, and police brutality, to music, love, suspense, and animation. Long Beach Indie is a joint venture between Perfect Works Entertainment and the BLU Educational Foundation with KCETLink and the California Endowment serving as co-sponsors.

Dr. Walker discusses the festival’s impact. “Going into the fifth year of Long Beach Indie, I’m encouraged by the strides that we’ve made showcasing diverse content from around the world,” he said. “Given both the #MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite movements, we have continued to stay on the cutting edge by setting the bar for what Hollywood should be representing as opposed to simply reacting to its shortcomings. The Long Beach Indie International Film Festival is a part of a comprehensive strategy to bring real diversity to the entertainment industry. In addition to the festival happening this week, in the Spring of 2019 we will have our 5th Annual Film, Media & Music conference that connects communities of color to careers in arts, entertainment and digital media.” An internationally recognized scholar, artist, and social change agent, Walker was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Claremont Graduate University for his global contributions to art, design, and innovation.

The six films and filmmakers featured on opening night reflect Long Beach Indie’s mission and impact. Dr. Nikita T. Hamilton, University of Southern California alumnus, embraces a narrative about a tragedy that brings two strangers together in Call Out Black. Maria Eriksson-Hecht, Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts graduate, chronicles a bond between two young brothers in Schoolyard Blues. Zoe Lubeck, former DePaul University student, tells the story of a 6-year-old who finds a dead bird and decides to throw an elaborate memorial in Funeral for a Bird. Xavier Neal-Burgin, University of Southern California film school graduate, examines the story of a single mother faced with a difficult decision when she’s late for a job interview in On Time. Javier Sanchez Jr., who studied film at Chapman University, captures the psyche of a depressed writer in Stuck, and University of Southern California’s Sohil Vaidya addresses modern-day slavery in Geeta. Walker will moderate a Q&A session with the featured filmmakers after their opening night screenings. “You can’t tell me that these talents and voices don’t exist,” Walker said. “They are everywhere if you just open your ears and listen.”

A highlight from Friday’s lineup includes Natalie Metzger’s Alone in the Game, a documentary on the inequality LGBTQ athletes face in professional, collegiate and high school sports and features former players from the NBA, NFL, MLS Cup and the Olympics who came out while they were in the pros. Metzer was the 2017 recipient of Long Beach Indie’s Dolores Huerta Award given to a woman making significant inroads in media and entertainment.

Among the more than 50 offerings playing alongside Love Cecy on Saturday include The Broken Rose, a dark drama about human trafficking in Oakland, CA, directed by Matt McClelland and starring Monee’ Brehaut and JD Scalzo and Deany Bean is Dead from Mikael Kreuzriegler, Associate Professor of Film Production at Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and Television.

Sunday screenings include a suite of international documentaries, the award winning La Sargento Matacho / She, The Sergeant Matacho from Columbia director William Gonzalez, and a short film block highlighting African American social and cultural expression. Long Beach Indie closes with its annual awards gala Sunday night (6:00 p.m.) at the Hilton Long Beach Hotel followed by films that include 41st and Central: The Untold Story of the L.A. Black Panther Party, former winner of the audience choice award at the Pan-African Film Festival, and David McCracken’s Bullitt County which has already taken home two best picture nods this year (New Jersey International Film Festival and Hoboken International Film Festival).


About Long Beach Indie International Film Festival

The Long Beach Indie International Film Festival is one of the world’s premier showcases for diverse filmed content. Since its inception in 2014, Long Beach Indie has screened more than 700 films from 50+ countries, drawn more than 10,000 attendees, received coverage from over 300 international media outlets, and drawn Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy, Directors Guild of America, ALMA and NAACP Image Award winners and nominees as presenters. Its 2014 winner for best animated short (The Dam Keeper) was nominated for a 2015 Academy Award and more than half of Long Beach Indies features have gone on to gain national or international distribution.


Long Beach Indie 2018 returns to the Cinemark at the Pike Theaters, 99 S. Pine Ave., Long Beach, CA 90802, with more than 150 diverse features, shorts, music videos, TV pilots, and web series from across the globe.

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Facehaus Launches At USC Village


August 18, 2018, Los Angeles

Photo: Vivien Killilea

 The newest Facehaus shop threw its grand opening party in LA on Saturday where guests and celebrities from all over came to experience skincare for the people! Everyone was having a great time at the event trying out the free product samples including eye and lip treatments. There was even a selfie station where people could show off their glowing skin after getting a treatment! Skincare is a trending topic in the beauty world and maintaining healthy skin is good for everyone, not just celebrities. The opening day was all about showing customers that skincare could be easy and accessible.

The founders of the Facehaus brand came out to the event and gave an exclusive interview to Hollywood Glam Magazine. They shared their vision for the brand as well as some exciting new updates coming up in the near future!

Nick Viall of the Bachelor Season 21 also came out to get a facial and check out the new space. He had a great time posing with the USC cheerleaders and talking with the founders of the brand as well. The USC village location was all on theme with USC logos and cheers posted around the shop. This location is perfect for students looking for a quick glow up before an event or just to renew and refresh after a stressful midterm season. Students were already wandering in to check out the new shop on the opening day, so it will no doubt be a popular location.

According to the founders, the brand was inspired by their teenage daughters who wanted facials to keep their skin clear. The founders knew they couldn’t afford to take their daughters to luxury day spas all the time, so they decided to create their own facial store. According to the founders, they decided to do some homework and were shocked to find out that the average cost of products used in facials was between $3 and $5. They said, “the more homework we did, the angrier we got. And we realized that there wasn’t a place in the market where everyone in the market could go and take care of their skin.”

“It was 2013 when the single service business model was just starting to explode. Drybar was just taking off and we were like: that’s what needs to exist, a dry bar for your face. What if we stripped out all of the overhead and all of the fluff that doesn’t help your skin.”

The founders talked about their unique approach to skincare saying, “there’s a place in the world for a luxurious day spa but this is a maintenance like how you would get a haircut, or a wax. This is a place to include everyone like men, or teens, or busy working moms like us, or even moms who aren’t working but who just want to be smart about their money.”

They talked about the next steps they took to take their business from concept to reality saying, “Dawn and I are third partner had both been going to the same dermatologist Harold Lancer for many years and over the course of knowing him we had seen him become a celebrity dermatologist. He’d seen Oprah, the Kardashians, all these famous people, and we saw him grow from like a hole in the wall office in South Beverly Hills to a brand name. So, we went to him and said we had this idea and it turns out, he had just seen Orpah and Maria Shriver at an event, and they had said to him: “Harold, you need to do something for the people, you’ve become too fancy. And we came in with our idea, facials for the people, so for him, it was this lightbulb moment and a different outlet for his products to reach people besides his Beverly Hills clientele. So, we brought him on as our consulting dermatologist and he designed a specific facial for the shop that drastically reduced rate than what you would pay if you went into his Beverly Hills clinic.”

After their initial collaboration went so well, the founders told me that they have been working with Lanser to continue to develop more products and said there was more to come and the new products would be very exciting!

They continued telling me the story of their business saying, “Then studio city opened and it was actually working, we had 30% men and tons of teenagers, and the demographic we had hope for was actually showing up. So, then we opened West Hollywood and over the next year we really refined the concept and we were courted by various suitors, some of them a little greasier than others, and at that point it was who was going to help us grow this because up until that point it had been just us and friends and family. So, at the end of 2017 we were approached by a fantastic group, the group that grew bliss spas out of one location, and many other successful beauty brands so we closed the deal in January and since then have been moving 150 miles an hour.”

The founders told me how they had worked to refine the brand and grow the ethos saying, “I think it’s become so much stronger, especially this last year sort of our vision for what the brand is. It’s more than just being a skincare bar, it’s a revolution and it’s a community. It’s an open concept and that’s what’s different about us. There’s no private dark room or tip toeing or whispering or creepy music. Its cool and people wanna throw parties here. It’s a communal space and with that openness comes an open mindedness hopefully. Our staff and our clientele are all so unique and it spans age ranges and that continues to be the case in all of our locations.”

They excitedly told me about their future business plans for growing the company saying, “We’ll be opening locations in LA and New York as well as other cities over the course of the next 12 months.” They shared that as their brand has grown they have started receiving messages from teens all over the country in places like Austin or Atlanta requesting more Facehaus locations.

“Our goal is world domination’, they said only half joking.

They also spoke about some of the products they use in their stores and told me about their sunscreen brand saying, “We’re religious about it. That was a huge thing for us, in the beginning, is everyone leaves with sunscreen. We don’t want anyone going out unprotected. All 3 of us have skin cancer in our family. Our sunscreen partner is fantastic, it’s called Suntegrity and it’s a full physical block, no chemicals. It has a female founder and she lost her mom to skin cancer which is what inspired her to start the brand. And you want to be guarding your skin from the sun but not introducing harmful chemicals so we love this brand.”

Finally, they gave a sneak peak of their plan for world domination saying, “The two manhattans are next. Manhattan Beach will be opening soon and there will be one in Manhattan, New York. And at the end of 2018 we have some new and exciting product launches coming out, so stay tuned!”