Art Hearts Fashion Week 2019 Grants Wishes in Style


March 24, 2018, Los Angeles, CA

On Sunday night Art Hearts Fashion Week Los Angeles closed out their fashion week with a touching show that benefitted the Make-A-Wish foundation and showcased some amazing designers. The night kicked off with a cocktail reception featuring the exclusive hair products used backstage as well as free beverages and snacks, plus plenty of photo ops for the fashionable crowd! Held at the Majestic downtown, the venue was the perfect place to showcase this year’s art collection as well as host the fashion show.

The Make-A-Wish foundation founder was in attendance as this year’s show benefitted the cause.  Audience members even got to see their amazing work in action that night. A young girl, whose wish it was to be a model, got to walk the runway during the first show for designer Lulu and Gigi who showcased a line of high-end children’s clothing and dresses. The audience clapped and cheered as the Make-A-Wish honoree walked and posed for the cameras at the end of the runway; it truly was a magical moment.

The shows continued with colorful prom dresses and whimsical floral gowns for little girls. There were even some matching mother and daughter outfits! Lulu and Gigi’s children’s collection looked like something Blair Waldorf would dress her children in and was definitely Fifth Avenue worthy with preppy influences.

Later on in the night we also were treated to a daring and bold plus collection with models of all shapes and sizes showing off the fun and fierce clothing on the runway.

 A fan favorite was a collection of bedazzled prom dresses from one designer whose creations shone brightly as they danced along the runway and reminded the fashion show attendees of Cinderella fairytale style gowns.

The fairytale prom theme definitely came out in the night’s show as many designers exhibited their own take on the reemerging trend from gothic to delicate.

The show featured another sweet moment when the two stylists and co-owners of beauty brand Style the Runway came out from backstage to present a special gift to the audience. Everyone had to look in their giftbags for a special sticker and one lucky winner was called up to receive more free hair products and a $500 donation given in her name to the Make-a-Wish foundation. It truly was an amazing night filled with so much talent!